Sunday, October 21, 2012

Featuring Author Poppy Smith


Question l:  You’ve written the book Why Can’t He Be More Like Me? Tell us a little bit about the book and why you decided to write it.

Marriage is difficult for many people and our culture’s message is if you’re unhappy for some reason, move on. Unfortunately, many Christian couples divorce because they don’t get along but God wants to use our differences to draw us into a deeper relationship with Him.  This is what happened to me.  I wanted to run away because I felt I’d made a terrible mistake marrying someone who was so different from me. But God had another message for me—Let me change your heart and your attitudes and thinking. Let me make you someone you’d never be without letting me work in your life.

Question 2: Because husbands and wives grow up in different homes, problems often arise when they come together to create their own home. Do you have any suggestions to help?

 When you’re baffled or irritated by how your spouse responds or behaves, it is very helpful to ask: “How did your family do this? How did they handle conflict? How did they show, or not show, emotions? Communicate? What did your family enjoy doing together? How did they handle money? Divide the work load?” The more you learn about each other’s backgrounds and parental role models, the more you will understand him, and yourself. Gaining these insights helps you to understand instead of find fault!

Question 3: Your book offers practical advice for finding common ground in nine areas. What is the overall secret you wish women understood?

We women need to understand we didn’t marry our clones. Nor did we marry our girlfriend. We married a man—they are not women in disguise.  Yes, they need to change and grow, but so do we. So be willing to forgive, look for his good points, and pray for a new and powerful love for your spouse. 

Poppy Smith has a passion to help women grow spiritually and personally and to know the love and power of Christ in life’s ups and downs.  A former teaching leader with Bible Study Fellowship, Poppy has a Masters in Spiritual Formation and ministers extensively as a retreat and conference speaker both in the US and around the world. 

For more information about Poppy’s books and ministry, please visit her website at:
To enter a drawing for a free copy of Poppy’s book, let her know why you’d like to read it by commenting on her Facebook page: Poppy Smith Author/Speaker 

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